1993 – 1994Fountain “Wellspring” dedicated to the bicentennial of Odessa. Odessa, Ukraine
1994 - 1995Reliefs “Four Parts of the World” for Ernst Neizvestny’s monumental sculpture “Golden Child”. Odessa, Ukraine
“Angel of Charity” — monumental sculpture, installed over the entrance to the Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Disabilities. Odessa, Ukraine
1997Complex of fountains on the biblical theme for US ambassador’s residence in Ukraine. Kiev
Design of “Peter Bird Trophy for Tenacity and Perseverance” for the Dijon International Film Festival “Les Ecrans de l’Aventure”. France
1998“The 12-th Chair” — “The Twelfth Chair”, monument to writers I. Ilf and E. Petrov. Deribasovskaya Str., Odessa, Ukraine
1999“The Apple of Amsterdam” — project of a monumental sculpture. Amsterdam, Netherlands
2001“Crystal Dream” — model of a monumental sculpture for “3 Acres On The Lake”, DuSable Park Proposal Projects. Chicago, United States
2004Interior design and sculptural compositions for the Business Centre “Leonardo”. Kiev, Ukraine
2005The Monument “In The Memory Of Victims Of Terrorism Around The World”. Kiev, Ukraine
2006Decorative sculpture “A Tree of Love”. Odessa, Ukraine
2007Decorative sculpture “Heart of the World.” Odessa, Ukraine
2009Fountain for “Intercontinental” hotel. Kiev, Ukraine
2010Architectural project of the memorial complex “Babi Yar”. Kiev, Ukraine
2011Architectural project of the monument to Isaac Babel. Sculptor G. Frangulyan. Odessa, Ukraine
2011Design of the hotel “Swisshotel Odessa”. Odessa, Ukraine
2012Sculptural compositions for the mall “City Centre”. Odessa, Ukraine
2012Sculptures for “Shabo Wine Culture Centre”. Shabo, Odessa region, Ukraine
2013 - 2014Kinetic sculptural composition. Central alley in Arcadia Beach Recreation Area. Odessa, Ukraine
Park Sculpture "Odessa Time" , City Garden , Odessa
Domus Solis Let this door be the front entrance to the House of the Sun. And let, people coming to this door, make their cherished desires.They are sure to be fulfilled!
2018Life particles
Sculpture composition for medical center Odrex in Odessa
The fountain "The Beginning Of A Beginning", bronze, Greek Park in Odessa
Soul of violin
The music pedagogy award of honor 2018
Foundation Sion Violin Music -Switzerland -
More books, less fear
The sculpture is set near the Odessa National Scientific Library, which is one of the biggest treasuries of historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine.